How Tuition Transformed My Daughter’s Chinese Learning Experience

Angela Lee
3 min read3 days ago


As a parent in bustling Singapore, I’ve always been conscious of the importance of a good education. The competitive academic environment and the need for our children to excel in various subjects often lead us to seek additional support. For my daughter, Emma, Chinese was a particularly challenging subject. Her struggles with the language were affecting her confidence and overall performance. That’s when I decided to explore the world of Chinese tuition.

Discovering the Need for Chinese Tuition

It all started during a parent-teacher meeting. Emma’s Chinese teacher expressed concerns about her progress. While Emma was enthusiastic and diligent, she was finding it difficult to keep up with the class. The intricate characters, the tones, and the grammar rules were all overwhelming for her. As a bilingual family, we spoke mainly English at home, which didn’t help her immerse in the language as much as needed.

That evening, I spent hours researching online, looking for the best Chinese tuition options in Singapore. The range of choices was vast, from large tuition centers to private tutors. The decision wasn’t easy, but I knew I had to find the right fit for Emma.

Choosing the Right Tuition Centre

After reading countless reviews and talking to other parents, I chose Yang Laoshi, from a recommendation from a friend of mine. Yang Laoshi is an experienced teacher, and the curriculum is tailored to the MOE syllabus. The testimonials from parents and students were encouraging, and I felt hopeful that this could be the solution we needed.

Emma was nervous about starting tuition, but the warm and welcoming environment of the center quickly put her at ease. The teachers were patient and engaging, using interactive methods to make learning fun. They didn’t just focus on rote memorization but aimed to build a deep understanding of the language.

Emma’s Transformation

The change in Emma was gradual but remarkable. Initially, she struggled to keep up, but with consistent support and encouragement, she began to improve. The personalized attention she received at the tuition center made a huge difference. The teachers identified her weaknesses and worked with her to overcome them. They also provided regular feedback, which kept me informed about her progress.

One day, Emma came home with a broad smile, clutching her Chinese test paper. She had scored an A! The pride and joy on her face were priceless. Her hard work and the tuition sessions were paying off. Not only had her grades improved, but her confidence had soared. She started participating more in her school Chinese class and even began conversing with her friends in Chinese.

Beyond Academics: Building Lifelong Skills

The benefits of Chinese tuition extended beyond just academic performance. Emma developed a genuine interest in the language and culture. She started reading Chinese books and watching Chinese shows, which further enhanced her language skills. The discipline and study habits she developed also translated into better performance in other subjects.

Moreover, Emma’s success story inspired her younger brother, Ethan, who started showing interest in learning Chinese even before it was mandatory in school. It became a family activity to explore Chinese culture together, trying out new Chinese recipes, and celebrating festivals with greater enthusiasm.

Reflections and Recommendations

Looking back, enrolling Emma in Chinese tuition was one of the best decisions I made for her education. It provided her with the support she needed to excel and instilled a love for learning. For parents facing similar challenges, I recommend investing time in finding the right tuition center or tutor that aligns with your child’s needs. Look for experienced teachers, a supportive environment, and a curriculum that complements the school syllabus.

In Singapore’s competitive educational landscape, Chinese tuition can be a valuable resource to help children achieve their full potential. It’s not just about getting better grades but about fostering a lifelong love for learning and building confidence that will serve them well in all areas of life.


Emma’s journey with Yang Laoshi transformed her from a struggling student to a confident and enthusiastic learner. It’s a testament to the power of dedicated teaching and the right support. As parents, our role is to guide and support our children, and sometimes that means seeking external help. With the right resources, every child can overcome their challenges and shine brightly in their academic journey.



Angela Lee

Dedicated high school teacher with a passion for education and technology. Committed to inspiring and empowering her students to achieve their full potential.