How to Create a Word Cloud with The Audience Live in PowerPoint?

Angela Lee
3 min readJul 26, 2023


Creating a word cloud in PowerPoint can transform a complex set of data into an easy-to-understand, visual snapshot. A word cloud is a visual representation of word frequency in a given text as a weighted list. This blog post will guide you through a step by step process on how to create a word cloud with your audience live in PowerPoint with the help of an innovative tool called ClassPoint. This innovative tool opens up an interactive dimension of possibilities to make your presentations more engaging.

Getting Started with Word Cloud in PowerPoint

The first step in creating a word cloud in PowerPoint is selecting the text that you want to feed into your word cloud generator. These words could come from a brainstorming session, a transcript of an interview, or comments from your audience.

Once you have this text, format it in a way that will be readable by your word cloud generator. You can do this in any text editing tool, but make sure to remove common words (like ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘is’, etc.) which would skew your final image.

Incorporating Audience Interaction: A Game Changer

While creating a word cloud in PowerPoint on your own is insightful, embracing audience interaction takes it to a new level. Imagine a seminar where the speaker wants to gauge the audience’s opinions or thoughts on a topic. She could ask them to send in their responses on a live platform and create a real-time word cloud.

Let’s take the example of a university professor who is giving a lecture in a large auditorium. To gauge the students’ understanding, he can ask them to list the key themes they have grasped so far. As the students send in their responses through their devices, a word cloud automatically begins to form on the PowerPoint slide. This live interaction with the audience not only makes the word cloud more comprehensive but also heightens engagement.

As Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Creating a word cloud live with audience insights can not only simplify complex ideas but also leads to a more engaging and interactive session.

Getting the Hang of ClassPoint

ClassPoint is an invaluable tool when it comes to incorporating real-time audience feedback into your PowerPoint presentations. This tool gives presenters the ability to create interactive questions and instantly visualize responses with charts or word clouds, providing almost instant feedback. You can utilize ClassPoint to generate real-time word clouds right in your PowerPoint presentations based on audience responses.

Going Forward With Your Word Cloud

Now that each response has been captured in your word cloud, you can interpret the data and continue with your presentation. Often, the results may surprise you! For instance, an educator conducting a quiz among his students may find that a concept he believed to be well-understood wasn’t grasped properly. These surprising insights can help guide the direction of the presentation or be used for further analysis.

In essence, using a word cloud with live audience interaction in PowerPoint is a fantastic way to enrich your presentations. This technique provides the presenter with up-to-the-second data that can be the game-changer for audience engagement, comprehension, and participation.

Remember, “The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures” according to Ben Schneiderman. Indeed, creating a word cloud in PowerPoint with real-time audience interaction provides not just a memorable picture but valuable insight that can transform your presentations.



Angela Lee
Angela Lee

Written by Angela Lee

Dedicated high school teacher with a passion for education and technology. Committed to inspiring and empowering her students to achieve their full potential.

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